In the world of business, to say that your ability to communicate is mission-critical to your organization is something of an understatement. You need to be able to reliably reach out to customers to get them excited about that new product or service on the horizon. Communication is the backbone of customer service, helping customers with issues before they become much bigger (and more frustrating ones) down the road. Communication is also essential to pulling the different departments of your own company together, helping to guarantee that they’re all operating, not as individual elements, but as a cohesive whole.


Along those lines, full-service, cloud-based voice programs like the ones offered by Digitel Systems not only make communication easier and more efficient than ever, but they are also more cost effective in a wide range of different ways.

Full-Service Voice Systems — The Key to True Unified Communications

When you think about all of the varying technologies that make up a business’ communications infrastructure, the list can quickly get long and unwieldy before you even get from one end to the other. Your average tech-savvy business will be dealing with things like telephony hardware, VoIP (voice over Internet protocol) services, SIP (session initiation protocol) services and beyond, on a daily basis. Each one of these categories quickly splinters off into countless individual components, all of which were not designed to work together, but all of which must join to form a cohesive whole.

At their core, full-service voice systems allow for exactly that — true unified communications systems for the first time. All communications hardware, technology and general business application services are all bundled together into a single package from a single provider. This frees businesses from the shackles of things like long-term contracts, allowing them to get the most for their money and change the way they communicate for all time and for the better as well.

The Flexibility You Demand

Another one of the biggest benefits of full-service voice systems is that they allow CEOs to make technological improvements to their own businesses at any time, from any place, thanks to the power of the cloud. Gone are the huge capital requirements associated with making such a significant investment — all components are included in a single package that can easily be scaled up or down as necessary, depending on how the needs of an individual business continue to grow and evolve over time.

Every element in a business’ communication infrastructure, from services to routers to phones to switches and beyond, are included. If a CEO or other business leader feels the need to add new services to their infrastructure to stay ahead of the latest technology, they can do so quickly and easily from a single point of contact. They no longer have to contend with dozens of new bills, all of which are on different billing cycles and handled through an ever-growing list of vendors that is difficult to manage on the best of days.

Instead, all mission-critical services are provided on an as-needed basis, allowing a business to pay once for everything they need and more. This also helps to dramatically improve a business’ general return on investment, as they’re only ever paying for the services they need and aren’t forced to add components that they may or may not use in the sake of trying to bundle everything together.

Full-service voice systems bring businesses all over the world the ability to centralize all of their technologies into one individual system, all of which is controlled by just a single affordable bill that remains consistent throughout the terms of the agreement.

Vertical IT is the trusted choice when it comes to staying ahead of the latest information technology tips, tricks and news. Contact us at (888) 505-8215 or send us an email at for more information.

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